
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How to Get a Lower Ping Value When Playing The Walking Dead Season 3: A New Frontier

The video game The Walking Dead is published and developed by Telltale Games.The Walking Dead: A New Frontier arrives on PS4, Xbox One and PC on Tuesday December 20, 2016. However, most people will face the high latency issue when playing The Walking Dead. Here, the way of reducing the ping value will be introduced in the following article. I'll guide you how to reduce the ping value with FlyVPN.

Everything you need to know about The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

  • New main character. There's a new main character called Javier and he has an fantastic story just as Clementine had with Lee, Kenny, and the Season 1 and 2 crew. You will play his story from the start of the zombie outbreak.
  • More comic than the other seasons. From everything including colors, detail, to character movement, the graphics are improved in The Walking Dead on Telltale’s engine.
  • New Story. At the start of the game, players will have the option to start a “New Story” or “Continue Story”, so for those that have not played, feel free to start over and start off with Clementine. Her prior journey will be tailored for “New Story”.

How to reduce game latency when playing The Walking Dead

For many game lovers, the latency could be pretty annoying and bothering. As for me, I usually use a game tool, VPN, to reduce the ping value. A VPN for games can lower the latency between a player and the server client. Then your connection will be speed up.

As to select a VPN, I highly recommend you try with the servers from FlyVPN. They have extremely stable and fast servers than I 've ever seen. They also offers you with free VPN servers for testing. Before grabbing their deal, you could test its performance by using its free trial. Simply create an account on its website, then you could enjoy use its free service with your own account. From December 18th, 2016 to December 20th,2017, Xmas and New Year's deal is on FlyVPN website. For anyone who buys 1 year VPN will get 1 year free, and for anyone who buys 6 months VPN will get 3 months free. Do not miss such a hot deal! 

PC requirements for The Walking Dead Season 3 are:

OS: Windows 7 64Bit Service Pack 1 or higher
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 8 GB Space Free
Video Card: Nvidia GTS 450+ with 1024MB+ VRAM (excluding GT)
DirectX®: Direct X 11
Sound: Direct X 11 sound device
Additional: Not recommended for Intel integrated graphics

Friday, December 16, 2016



三星电子在 14 日宣布,除去少量的低端机型外,2017 年推出的手机基本都将支持 Samsung Pay,通过预装 app 来提供支付服务。

Samsung Pay 是三星在去年 8 月份推出的移动支付服务,最初只支持高端的 Note 和 S 系列,包括 Note 5 和 S7 Edge 等机型,看上去是想把移动支付做成高端机型的卖点之一。

跟 Apple Pay 不同,Samsung Pay 除了支持配备了 NFC 芯片的 POS 机外,也能通过 MST 磁信号传输,在非 NFC 的 POS 机上使用,因而使用场景其实要比 Apple Pay 广泛。

这次新消息,是三星推广旗下手机支付服务的新进展。从去年年底开始,三星已经逐渐将 Samsung Pay 扩展到部分中端系列手机上,例如中端产品线 A 系列和 C 系列的部分机型。

另外一方面,三星也在抓紧开拓市场。目前 Samsung Pay 在 7 个国家落地,包括美国、西班牙、巴西、新加坡、澳大利亚、韩国和中国,今年还将落地俄罗斯、泰国和马来西亚。

三星的速度看上去还不错,以中国市场来说,三星在今年 3 月份将这项支付服务引入国内,取名三星智付,官网上目前列出了 15 款机型支持三星智付。


一个可以追踪的迹象是三星尝试在推单独的 app。韩国科技新闻网站 etnews 援引行业人士消息称,三星原本计划在明年 1 月份推出 iPhone 版支付工具 Samsung Pay Mini,应用提交申请被苹果拒绝。去年 10 月份,三星在自己的应用商店上架 Samsung Pay 应用后,又在 Google Play 商店又上架了一次。这些看上去都是做互联网服务的尝试。

但三星在这里的做法看起来有点奇怪。据称 Samsung Pay Mini 针对的不是线下交易,而是只做线上交易;另外 Google Play 商店的应用还是只支持三星原有的那些机型,对于其他 Android 机型并不支持,看上去是想做通用工具,结果还是为三星手机用户服务

不过,即便三星尝试把 Samsung Pay 做成通用的工具,向 Android 手机和 iPhone 推广,难度就已经不小。苹果公司看上去已经表明了态度,整个市场对于 Android 手机支付的反应也并不太好。

Tuesday, December 6, 2016












Thursday, December 1, 2016








FlyVPN有适合各个平台的VPN客户端,包括FlyVPN安卓客户端FlyVPNiOS客户端。在Google play和App store你都可以搜索到FlyVPN。配置也是极其简便,下面附上配置教程:

  • 下载app后,点击注册。
  • 登录app。
  • 选择中国地区的VPN服务器。
  • 点击连接。成功连接FlyVPN APP。

Friday, November 25, 2016



Adobe Digital Index 监测了 100 家顶级销售商的在线销售额(大概占网络总体销售额的 80%)。根据他们的数据,在周四的头五个小时内,美国零售商的在线销售额就突破了 11.5 亿美元,比去年同期增加了 13.6%。预计黑五之前就可达到 20 亿美元,破了感恩节这天的销售纪录。

通常情况下,11、12 月的销售额可能占据零售商们全年销售额的 40%,而从感恩节开始直到网络星期一的感恩节周末,也是商家必争之地。

不过去年的销售情况并不是很好。根据 NRF 的数据,2015 年的感恩节周末购物人数比之 2012 年的 1.47 亿下降到其三分之一,跌至 1.02 亿。而网络销售和过早的推广活动也让实体店销售额下降了 6%。

商业资讯公司 BOD 的一项调查显示,今年商家们对销售额仍不乐观,70% 的零售商认为黑五销售额大概和去年持平。因此他们投入了更多的力度在今年的节日营销上。

首先是折扣力度。去年的节日季,打折力度就比平时提升了 30% 到 40%,今年则更甚,尤其在电视、玩具和宠物用品方面。专家预期这会放缓收入增长。而折扣力度再大,感恩节期间购物的吸引力都没有之前那么大了。路透社的一项调查显示,63% 的成年人都没打算在黑五这天购物。哥伦比亚商学院教授 Mark Cohen 对路透社说,“消费者们知道全年都会有力度很大的打折,只要他们多等等,节日季的价格就会更低。”

另一策略就是实体店的提早营业和促销。“他们所有店家都争得鼻青脸肿,每年都想越来越早地提前促销。” Market Track 的副总裁 Traci Gregorski 说。我们之前报道过,实体店在感恩节提早开门也不见得能吸引客流量,反而会稀释黑五的人流。而从去年开始,这天的网络购物人数就已经超过线下购物人数了。

为了弥补这点,零售商们在提高手机流量方面也投入了更多精力。现在看来似乎挺有效果——今天前五个小时手机端的订单价值高达 4.49 亿美元,比去年高出了 60%。

“对于任何一个零售商而言,流量都是重中之重,” 摩根斯坦利的分析师们一向都密切关注沃尔玛在电商方面和亚马逊的竞争,这次他们在节日大战中把票投给了亚马逊,“亚马逊在过去 12 个月里增加的手机应用端客户比任何一家零售商都多,比成绩最接近的高 2.7 倍。”

力图跟上亚马逊的沃尔玛今年则在网络端投放了 2300 万件产品,是去年的两倍。网络促销也开始得更早。他们现在拥有 10 处超大型物流网点来应对网络订单,而去年只有 5 家。同时,沃尔玛的网站也用上了更好的技术和大数据来向访客推荐礼品单。页面加载的速度也比从前快了三分之一。



Thursday, November 17, 2016

How to Ublock Instagram on iOS Device in China Mainland with the VPN master

As one of the hostest picture sharing forum, Instagram is being popoular in countries around the world except China. It might be troublesome for those who are new to China to use China social media. But, don't worry as I will show you how to solve this issue and get Instagram back to your life.

Why Instagram?

This online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social networking service that enables you to take pictures and videos, and share them either publicly or privately on the app, as well as through a variety of other social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr.

How can I use it in China Mainland?

Instagram was not banned until the protest outbreak in Hong Kong. Youths post many information about it. Now in China Mainland, you can't use Instagram without VPN. VPN is kind of tool to help you change your IP address to a foreign one so that Instagram will let you browse its web or use its app. When surf the Internet with VPN, it will encrypt your personal information and secure your network. Your personal data will not leak.

The steps of connecting with a VPN master on iOS deivces for INS 

As for me, I usually try FlyVPN, a VPN provider that is established in 2007. They provide you with free trial. For those who are new to FlyVPN, just download its VPN client and register, then you'll get 14 days free VPN. This VPN master is the stablest I've ever seen.
The steps of getting access to Instagram are as following:

  • Register and sign up for the VPN service.
  • After you have successfully signed up, install FlyVPN APP to your iOS device.
  • Open FlyVPN iOS app. Enter your account and password to login.
  • You could see the server list.
  • Select any server outside China.
  • Tap Connect and wait for the connection.
  • Once connected successfully, go back to your Instagram app and tap it to open it.
  • Enter your username and password and you’re able to share your pictures with your friends.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


HBO 迫切需要在《权力的游戏》之后找到另外一部能够撑起招牌的神剧,既是为了在竞争上不输给 Netflix、Amazon 等对手,也是为了让自己服下一颗定心丸。

从投入来看,《西部世界》第一季的预算高达 1 亿美元,和《权力的游戏》相当。当然钱不是万能的,HBO 曾以相同等级的价码押宝《黑胶时代》(Vinyl),但是它完全没有能够取得和身价相符的成绩,HBO 最终只能无奈放弃。情节陈腐是《黑胶时代》的命门,它是如此可以预测,以至于就连马丁·斯科塞斯和米克·杰格等人的明星制作阵容都照亮不了它的前程。《西部世界》不仅因题材先天性的优势避开了这个问题,还在第一季中展现出了反转剧情的能力。

HBO 内部高层今年还经历了调整。Casey Bloys 上任,成为了 HBO 新的项目主席(programming president),是剧集的最高负责人——《黑胶时代》的被砍和他希望在自己任期开个好头或许也不无关系。

因此,《西部世界》的下一步制作会格外小心谨慎。Casey Bloys 表示,第二季回归的时间更有可能是在后年而不是明年,这样会给第二季更充裕的制作时间。这是吸取了《真探》的前车之鉴——HBO 上一任项目主席 Michael Lombardo 就承认,因为赶时间回归而导致了《真探》第二季质量的牺牲。其实《西部世界》第一季就吃过制作的苦,它原计划是在去年就开播的。第一季制作过程一度中断,好在诺兰夫妇的剧本赶上了进度。



Thursday, November 10, 2016

瑞银说越来越多人不喜欢 iPhone 了,特别是在中国

iPhone 7 的货源还处在短缺中,但一些数据表明它卖得并不好。瑞银集团(UBS)最近在一份提供给投资者的报告中说,iPhone 的用户留存率(Customer Retention Rate)正在快速下滑,现在和 Android 手机的水平差不多了。

UBS 选取了 5 个国家一共 6500 名消费者作为调查样本,结果显示 iPhone 的留存率在今年 9 月是 75%,去年同一时期是 82%。这意味着有近两成用户换了 Android 手机。

苹果、三星和整个 Android 系统的用户留存情况,可以看出三星在被 2014 年的大屏 iPhone 抢走大批用户之后,已经有所好转(直到最新一个季度)
具体一点看,iPhone 留存率这个数字在 2010 年还超过 90%,之后几年有涨有跌,最近一个季度已经跌到最低点。相比之下 Android 的平均水平都还比较稳定,目前的数值接近 iPhone。三星整体还在增长,今年第四季度略有下滑,这源自 Note 7 的召回事件,负面影响也可能会在未来继续扩大。

再具体到地区上,美国、英国、德国和日本的用户忠诚度依然很高,只不过除了美国这几个地区都不是 iPhone 的主要市场。更严重的是中国地区留存率下跌最快,已经从超过 80% 的高点滑到 50% 左右。这也和苹果公司财报的情况相一致,大中华区在最近两个季度的营收都有超过 30% 的下滑。

UBS 亚洲电信的分析师 Jinjin Wang 说,本土 Android 手机正在成为更多中国消费者的选择:“苹果创新不足,而中国消费者也不再觉得用 OPPO、vivo 或华为手机没有面子。苹果在中国的市场份额排名已经滑到了第五、六名的位置。”

iPhone 下滑的主要原因在于消费者的换机频率正在发生变化。全世界的智能手机市场已经接近饱和,iPhone 的增长主要依仗老用户的换机。但 iPhone 7 相比前几代并没有大幅度的变化,苹果自己也意图将升级周期拉长到三年,明年的新 iPhone 可能会有更大的变动。

UBS 的数据也说明了这点。被调查的用户中,“很可能会买”和“可能会买”iPhone 7 的人占到 43%,低于 iPhone 6 的 64% 以及 6s 的 54%。在美国 iPhone 7 的预期要好一些,报告说有一半的美国被调查者表示会购买新机,这一比例甚至超过了两年前的 iPhone 6。

UBS 的结论是,苹果公司在中国市场还会迎来疲软的一年,但苹果的品牌价值依然很强势。最终 UBS 给了苹果股票“买入”的建议,并预测 iPhone 在 2017 年的出货量增长 6%,2018 年增长 16%。



Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Play Mu Online Russia Sever with the Best Free Russia VPN

Mu Online among 3D MMORPG games is said to be the most popular one. However,the load of its server is quite heavy. Many players switch to Mu Online Russia. Mu Online Russian Server might be a good choice for you. Here, I'd like to introduce you the most easy way to get access to log in Mu Online Russian Server.

The Content of Mu Online

Mu Online is a 3D medieval fantasy MMORPG which was produced in December 2001 by a Korean gaming company Webzen. A large variety of monsters are in Mu Online, including simple ones and frightening ones. When one player attacks another, a self-defense system is activated, in which the attacked player may kill the aggressor within a time limit. Self-defense is also activated when a player attacks an Elf's summoned creature. Outlaws have disadvantages during game play, depending on their Outlaw level.

How to log in Mu Online Russia?

There exist a very easy way to get access to Mu Online Russia — using VPN. VPN allows you to connect to the internet via a server run by a VPN provider. Then you will be able to get a Russia IP. It shortens the way from your place to Mu Online when you log in its server,thus Mu Online Russia is accessible. With Russia VPN, you will be very easy to log in Mu Online Russia.

Which VPN is for Mu Online Russia?

As for me, I personally recommend you try with FlyVPN
a VPN provider that has a batch of VPN servers. FlyVPN offers you with free trial, you could download it and create your account to enjoy free trial. They have free Russia servers and have client for multiple systems including android,iOS, Windows and Mac OSX. You shall try it before make an order. They also have 30-day money back guarantee which many other VPN providers do not have.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016










  • 下载VPN软件。FlyVPN拥有多平台软件,适合华裔在安卓、iOS、Windows、Mac及Linux客户端。
  • 用邮箱注册VPN账号。用邮箱注册FlyVPN无需验证。
  • 重新在FlyVPN客户端中登录账号。选择中国服务器进行连接。
  • 打开爱奇艺观看《灵魂摆渡3》

亮黑色还没买到, iPhone 7 要出亮白的消息出来了

日本媒体 Macotakara 最近援引供应链人士的消息说,iPhone 7 和 7 Plus 还有一个配色:亮白色。

就像亮黑色那样,亮白色也有光滑的类似镜面的外壳。按照首席设计官 Jony Ive 在工艺视频中的讲解,苹果将一块铝合金背壳做“3D 旋转抛光”,用一种特殊的化合物循环往复地冲刷金属表面,之后是阳极氧化工序,最后再对这个表层做抛光……总之就是更复杂了,具体到手感上,iPhone 7 亮黑版的背面和正面的玻璃已经没什么区别。

给这个消息增加了准确性的是,Macotakara 有良好的爆料记录,之前 iPhone 会有亮黑色、取消实体 Home 键的消息都来自这家媒体。

另一方面,苹果如果真的给 iPhone 7 增加亮白色,也不是什么令人惊讶的事,毕竟它可以刺激销量。

iPhone 7 的性能和外观都没什么太大变化,亮黑色是区别于前两代产品最明显的特征。苹果自身也在引导这个趋势,在几乎所有的对外视觉图像比如广告和官网中,iPhone 7 几个字的边上,一定是亮黑色的 iPhone 7。

一份来自 Slice 的统计数据表明,美国的消费者在开始预订的 48 小时内,有 46% 的人选择了暗黑色,其次是亮黑色(23%),只有不到三分之一的人选买了黑色以外的机型。

凯基证券分析师 Ming-Chi Kuo 也做过消费意向调查,结果显示,首批预订 iPhone 7 的用户中有 30%-35% 选择了亮黑色,中国市场的比例还要高,达到了 45%-50%。

至今亮黑色是缺货最严重的版本,不过这背后的原因不一定全是因为它大受欢迎。这个新工艺更复杂、成本更高。《连线》援引业内人士的解释,亮黑色等生产过程要比其他颜色的 iPhone 多花至少 40 分钟。Ming-Chi Kuo 说它的良品率只有 60%-70%。

这也让亮白色 iPhone 7 的消息变得有些可疑,一向对供应链要求严格的苹果没什么理由再拿出一部良品率不足的手机,除非现在这个棘手的问题已经被解决。

iPhone 也极少会在新品发布不久后再次推出新颜色,唯一一次例外是 2010 的 iPhone 4,黑色版本发布 9 个月后苹果推出一个白色版。原本这两个颜色应该同时上市,但制造工艺问题导致白色版延迟了。之后的 iPhone 向来是将新颜色用在下一代产品上,比如金色和玫瑰金。



Monday, November 7, 2016

How to Watch the Presidential Result on Your Laptop, Phone with the Best USA VPN

The election day is Tuesday, November 8. Will America have its first female president? Or the business man Donald Trump win the election? Everything will be revealed on that day. Yet, for those who are outside from America may have difficulties on getting access to the instantaneaous result of America election. Here, I'll show you how to get rid of the geological restriction.

Where can I watch the presidential result?

  • Most of the major news stations will stream or post election coverage online. CBS, NBC, Fox and ABC all have news apps so you can access those streams from your phone.
  • Twitter and Buzzfeed.Reporters from Buzzfeed will be reporting incoming election results and there will be a live of the video on Twitter.
  • On November 8th, you will be able to see the results from VoteCastr's app.

How can I unblock apps to watch the election result?

In some place of the world like China Mainland, you could not get access to the content from other countries due the geological restriction. You could open the apps, but its content are inaccessible. For most people who are away from America, they unblock the blocked content by using Virtual Private Network, so called VPN. VPN will give you a new IP address so that the original IP address is hided.

Which VPN should I use for unblocking app?

Here, I strongly recommend you try a very stable VPN called FlyVPN for streaming videos. It has plenty qualified USA VPN servers. You could create an account and test it. You will have 1 hour everyday with your account trying its free USA servers. It has VPN client for almost all the platforms, including iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux and etc. Just connect its USA servers from any place of the world, you will be able to get access to all the content you need.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


《黑镜》(Black Mirror)是英国电视4台(Channel 4)播出的迷你电视剧,由英国制片人查理·布鲁克制作。由第一季、第二季各三集,和圣诞特辑构成。该剧分别以多个建构于现代科技背景的独立故事,表达了当代科技对人性的利用、重构与破坏。该剧第一季于2011年12月播出,第二季于2013年2月13日播出,圣诞特辑于2014年12月6日在英国首播。第三季于2016年10月21日开播。目前Netflix已更新至第集。


《急转直下》:社交评分系统主导了人们的生活。获得高评分,例如 4.8 分的人受人尊重;而低评分,例如 3.2 分的人则被众人排挤。女主角为了搬到心仪的公寓,需要短时间获得更多“点赞”……
《游戏测试》:男主角应聘某游戏测试员,进入了一个VR 升级版的恐怖生存游戏中。电脑所制造的恐怖,全部来自你自己的记忆。



Tuesday, October 25, 2016







Friday, October 21, 2016







海外不少观众也非常期待张若均在《法医秦明》中的表现,但是在中国大陆之外是打不开搜狐视频的。小编在这里推荐大家使用VPN解锁搜狐视频。经过测试,最适合用来解锁中国大陆视频网站的要属成立于2007年的优质VPN供应商FlyVPN了。FlyVPN完美适配各种设备,包括Mac OSX,Windows, iOS, Android,和Linux。注册就可以获得免费试用,每天试用1小时。分享邀请码还可获得奖励,每通过邀请码邀请成功用户即可获得5天试用啦。

Thursday, October 20, 2016



《蜂鸟》的看点 人物多面多色上演生死对决







Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reduce Ping of the Best Video Game on PSVR: Batman: Arkham

Batman: Arkham is a series of action-adventure video games based on the DC Comics character Batman. It has been the hottest game on PSVR after its release on October,11th,2016. Many people are desirous to play this game without latency. Yet, we all know that game players could face high latency while playing video games. Here I'd like to introduce you how to reduce the ping while play this game with the best VPN ever.

The content of Batman: Arkham

In June 2016 at E3 2016, it was announced that Rocksteady was developing Batman: Arkham VR for the PlayStation VR, which released in October 2016. The game has players "utilize Batman's legendary gadgets to unravel a plot that threatens the lives of his closest allies."

Which VPN is the best VPN for Batman: Arkham?

There are lots of VPN providers in the industry. I suggest that you'd better to do a test before searching for a premium account. I personally recommend you try FlyVPN, a VPN provider that has almost estabilished for 10 years. It provides you with 60 mintues free trial everyday. You could test it before click the puchase chart. It contains around 300 servers located in over 40 countries and regions on the earth. For sake of reducing ping while playing Batman: Arkham, a reliable VPN will grant you a more enjoyable gaming experience.

Monday, October 17, 2016






如何注册中国AppStore ID

《阴阳师》尚未在其他地区上架,想要下载《阴阳师》就必须拥有中国AppStore ID。现在注册中国AppStoreID其实不需要信用卡,银行卡。最简单的方法是用gmail邮箱登陆。只需注册gmail邮箱,gmail邮箱末尾是‘cn’就可以注册了哦,非常方便!让自己的邮箱变身,还能帮助记忆帐号呢!《阴阳师》现已屡获苹果推荐和拿下畅销榜第一,成绩斐然。




现在市面上有不少VPN。推荐大家先去测试VPN,如从2007年就已经成立的FlyVPN提供注册帐号每天60分钟的免费试用。大家可以从apple store中下载FlyVPN测试。FlyVPN测试线路中就有不少免费的中国VPN线路。亲测能有效降低延迟。大家快去下载玩《阴阳师》吧!

Friday, October 14, 2016












下载FlyVPN Windows客户端地址
下载FlyVPN Mac客户端地址

Thursday, October 13, 2016


《无人深空》这部曾被寄予厚望的作品在 8 月份上线后没多久就面临各种指责:原因之一在于游戏的宣传令玩家对这款游戏的期待过高;第二个原因是因为游戏存在与试玩视频中放出的视频有诸多不符合的之处。

网上充满了玩家对这款游戏的抱怨:此前开发商所承诺的可以和星球上各种奇怪的生物互动、可以在灌木丛中穿行、星际间大规模的战斗以及复杂的飞船和资源系统都没有实现,更别提多人模式和层数不穷的 Bug。这些承诺曾经是愿意花 60 美元,这一标准游戏大作的价格购买这款游戏的理由,而最终他们受到了欺骗。

更要命的是,这款游戏一开始的销量因为过度宣传还非常好:根据第三方检测机构 SteamSpy 的估算,光是在 Steam 上这款游戏就已经发售了超过 75 万份,60 美元的售价已经为游戏开发商了带来了 4500 万美元的收入。但如今,根据最新数据显示,目前在 Steam 上游戏实时游戏的人数已经不足一千人,而在巅峰时期,这个数字是 21 万。
最终,玩家将吐槽和抱怨转为实际行动:一位在 Reddit 上账号名为 AzzerUK 的玩家,称自己给英国广告标准局 ASA 写了信,并最终得到了他们的回复:《无人深空》,正开始面临着他们的调查。

英国广告标准局 ASA,即 Advertising Standards Agency,是英国广告行业于 1962 年成立自律系统。虽然它没有直接的执法权和立法权,但是依旧有权力决定调查或者撤销某些虚假的不实的广告。在给 AzzerUK 的回信之中,他们提到说他们收到了许多关于《无人深空》的投诉,并列出了游戏面临调查的清单。按照视频、截图、和商品宣传页面等宣传方式,他们将调查游戏相关的包括 UI 设计、飞船航行、生物行为、生物大小等 13 个涉及虚假欺骗的广告行为。

ASA 称 Hello Games 以及投诉者使用最多的平台 Steam 的母公司 Valve,都对此事负有责任,并已开始和这两家企业进行接触并开展调查。目前,这两家公司还未公开做出回应。

游戏的主要发行方之一PlayStation目前并未卷入风波。对于一款游戏来说,玩家买回来感觉不好玩是一回事,而未能实现此前宣传中所提到的各种功能则是另一回事。之前也有发生过类似的事,但是这一次游戏的制造商Hello Games真的让玩家们生气了。








  • FlyVPN网站下载VPN客户端。(FlyVPN有手机APP,大家可以在Google Play或Appstore里下载)
  • 下载后,注册账号密码。
  • 登录。成功登录后连接服务器。注意部分国家是不能打开youtube的,例如中国。所以不要选择这些国家的服务器。其他如香港VPN美国VPN都是可以打开的。



Wednesday, October 12, 2016

31 Games Will Come to PlayStation 4 VR Headset

The world of VR seems to be a wonderland for many tech gaints this year. The water of VR video games will gradually be stirred by the Sony's upcoming headset — PlayStation VR headset. This VR headset will be relesed on October, 13th, 2016 to compete against the Oculus Rift from Facebook and the HTC Vive from Valve. The excting news is that there will come 31 games on the launch day of PlayStation VR headset. Here I'd like to introduce three monst expecting games from the 31 one games for you.

Harmonix Music VR

You will get more fun in Harmonic Music VR. It is like a 3D version of Microsoft Paint mixed with a music visualization tool. You will enjoy the three-dimensional sculpture drawings you create.

Here They Lie

"Here They Lie" is a fairly creepy and terrific horror game. Its inforamtion was not released yet but you could meet it tomorrow.

EVE: Gunjack

"EVE: Gunjack" is a first-person space shooter that takes place in the world of "EVE Online". 

Price of PlayStation 4 VR 

PS VR's accessible price of $399, which is pretty affordable. The launch bundle of the headset, PlayStation Camera and two Move controllers along with PlayStation VR Worlds and a Playroom VR digital download will costs you $499. You could make a preorder at PlayStation's website.

The Best Way to Play Online video Games

While playing games, you could meet the high lags due to the local network congestion. Commonly people try the tool VPN to let them log in the game server faster. For sake of reducing ping, we highly recommend you try FlyVPN — the most popular VPN provider. They have VPN client that is perfectly for Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. As for the setting steps, you could refer to the that of Xbox 360. The setting steps are very much similar on the two deices.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Rise of the Tomb Raider Comes to PS4

As a video game that has long history, Rise of the Tomb Raider finally makes its way to PS4 on October 11th, 2016 world widely. Here I would like to bring you review of Rise of the Tomb Raider.

The PS4 version will handle the Rise of the Tomb Raider with aplomb. Targeting a locked 30 frames per second at a rendering resolution of 1920×1080, the game looks great in motion. Comparing to the Xbox One version, the PlayStation 4 is in a more stable performance, with less dips below 30 fps. 

With the release of it on PS4 pro, this game will take the advantage of PS4's powerful hardware. The Temple of the Witch or Cold Darkness Awakened expansion packs are included for free.
To get a better perofomance of the game, it is better for you to use a VPN as it will help connect directly to the game servers. Thus, the ping while you play the game is reduces largely. We highly recommend you try FlyVPN since it is the sort of VPN for PS4. You could also test it with self created account. Everyone's account could have 60 minutes free trial each day. Here, I found you a tutorial of how to set VPN on Xbox 360. The setting steps on PS4 is vey much similar.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Anything That You'd like to Know about the Smartphone Google Pixel

Google released its brand new smartphone Pixel and Pixel XL on October 4th, 2016 during the #MadeByGoogle event. Google seems to take on Apple's iphone with its new smartphones. Will Google win the market?

Here I'd like to bring you details about Google Pixel.

  • The first smartphone with Google Assistant built in. Google has been focus on AI for a long time. It is not weird to see that many android app has Google Assistant in. With Google Asssitant, it would be convenient for you to find restaurant, set reminders, make a reservation and find pictures faster.
  • The highest rated smartphone camera. With a 89 DxOMark Mobile score, Pixel's camera lets you take brilliant photos in low light, bright light or any light. 
  • Google Pixel is built for VR. The Pixel and Pixel XL will also be the first smartphone that is compatible with the VR headset called Daydream View. The device is very much like Smasung's Gear VR accessory.
  • How much does it cost? The 5in Pixel will cost £599 with 32GB of storage or £699 with 128GB of storage. The 5.5in Pixel XL will cost £719 with 32GB of storage or £819 with 128GB of storage.
Google is one of the world's biggest tech giants, but will it take down Apple with its smartphone? The future is blurr but Google seems to occupy the AI industry. If you want to try its smartphone, you could order it from Google Pixel's webpage. But in some place in this world like China, you have to have a VPN in order to enjoy all the service from Google.

You might interest in:

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Where to Watch Trump V. Clinton: the Second Presidential Debate Online? And How?

The second candidate is coming soon! Donald Trump, will face his destined and strong rival Hilary Clinton again at the second presidential debate on Sunday, October 9, 2016. Another entertainment show is awaiting for you. Yet, for those who are outside America, they might have problems watch the live debate. Don't worry, here we are going to show you how and where to watch it.

Moderators and the Highlight of the Debate

The second debate will be hold at Washington University in St.Louis and moderated by ABC's Martha Raddatz and CNN's Anderson Cooper. Anderson was an seasoned foreign policy reporter, known for his cover over the Pentagon and the State Department. Raddatz was eminent for asking sharp questions.

During this debate, the two candidates will answer questions not from the moderators bu from the audience.Let's see what they will act on the questions from people in the hall.

Where to watch it?

The second presidential debate will be aired live on CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, PBS, Univision, CNBC, CNN, Fox news, MSNBC, and C-SPAN. If you wanna watch it online, you could stream it on NBC News's Youtube page and on Twitter in paternership with Bloomberg.

How can I unblock Youtube Page and Twitter if I am not in America?

Due to the geological restriction, some people might have problem on getting access to the website above. The easiest way to unblock the banned website is trying VPN. VPN will allow you change your IP address so that you could get access to the website you want to smoothly. There are many VPN providers in the VPN industry and most of them provide you with free trial. I used FlyVPN for streaming the first presidential debate. You can try to test its VPN perfomance with your own account. Moreover, you'll get 5 more days free trial if you invite other users to FlyVPN with invitation code.

FlyVPN has a batch of American IP for you to choose. Click here to download it!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to Unblock Twitch with the Best Hong Kong VPN

Twitch is a website to share videos and games online. However, Twitch is banned in some countries like China. The ban of Twitch will keep you from playing or watching anything on the website.

What is Twitch?

Twitch is a live streaming video platform owned by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of It was introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest streaming platform, the site primarily focuses on video gaming, including playthroughs of video games, broadcasts of eSports competitions, creative content, and more recently, music broadcasts. Content on the site can either be viewed live, or viewed via Video on demand.

Why using VPN?

VPN can easily hide your IP address and help get you through the content blocks on Twitch. VPN providers will put you on a private network through one of their servers so that you could get rid of the geological restrction and your personal data and privacy are enycrypted.

Which VPN is the most efficient to unblock Twitch? And how to unblock?

There are many VPN providers among the industry.Here, I personally recommend you the VPN provider — FlyVPN, one of the most outstanding VPN services. They have VPN client that is suitable for Windows, Mac OS X, Anroid and iOS system. You just need to create an FlyVPN account, login in its client and connect with its VPN servers. Then you can easily change your IP address. For eaxaple, we could watch Twitch in Hong Kong. If you are in China, you can try Hong Kong servers to hide your orignal IP address and have a Hong Kong IP address in order to watch Twitch.

Thursday, September 29, 2016







经过评测,小编发现最快解锁搜狐视频的方式是使用中国VPN。这里推荐好用的免费中国VPN——FlyVPN,注册VPN的帐号和密码即可每天免费使用中国VPN服务器一个小时,首次下载使用FlyVPN app注册使用就可以获得14天免费使用。邀请好友使用双方都可获得额外5天免费VPN使用。



Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How to Unblock Twitter with Free VPN in China

Reccently, the rummor that serveral tech giants including Google are trying to buy the popular social media Twitter has occupy the headline. The attraction of Twitter to tech giants lies in its popularity among neticizen. Yet, people in some places like China can't use Twitter service. If you are unfortunately in these places, this article will help you out.

The Characteristics of Twitter

Twitter has become internationally acceptable due to its features.

  • Tweets. Tweets are publicily visble by default but you can also restrict the message delivery to your followers. Your tweets are restricted in 140 characters.
  • Trending topics. Trend topics are often popular due to the effort by its users or the event that prompts users to talk about it.
  • Content. A research firm analytics found that most meassage on Twitter is "short burst of inconsequential information".

How to Unblock Twitter?

On Twitter, you will find tens of thousands interesting facts about other people life experience. As for countries or regions that ban Twitter, a VPN could help people to get rid of geological restriction. VPN helps hide your original IP address, and grant you a new one. It is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, virtual tunneling protocols, or traffic encryption. Twitter is available in most of the countries or regions, you just need simply connect with the servers located in these countries or regions.

Which VPN is free for unblocking Twitter?

Twitter has both app and wesite for users. The famous and popular VPN provider FlyVPN has VPN client for unblocking websites and apps. Its free trial concludes vpn servers like USA VPN servers, Hong Kong VPN servers, and etc. You can enjoy totally 1 hour free trial each day with the account created by yourself. Inviting others to use FlyVPN via inivitation code. For ervery person you invite, both of you will get 5 more days free trial. There is no limitation on how many persons you invite.

Click here to download Twitter 
Click here to downlaod FlyVPN

Friday, September 23, 2016

Yahoo Confirmed that Over 500 Million Yahoo Accounts Were Leaked

The company Yahoo confirmed that over 500 Million Yahoo accounts were leaked. The company Yahoo agreed to sell its core bussiness for $4.8 billion to telecommunication giant Verizon. And Verizon only learned the breach 2 days ago before Yahoo offically announced it.

The Largest Data Breach in History

500 million accounts were hacked, and so the username, mail address, bithday date, and security question were leaked.This issue shocked the whole Internet world since 500 million users are almost cover the most of Yahoo's customers. 

How to Secure Your Personal Data

If you are a user of Yahoo, you'd better hurry up and change your password. In order to keep your privacy, you'd better do not use the similar password on different websites.If you want to use other tool instead of changing password, you might try VPN.

Why You Need VPN to Protect your Privacy

VPN is the way that would easily protect your personal data. It let you connect with a virtual network.You could use VPN to mask your identity, encrypt communications and browse the web fron a different location.

Choose a reliable VPN is not that easily, here I personally recommend you with FlyVPN with have high encrption technology.Just one connection with FlyVPN servers would easily cahgne your IP address and protect your personal information from leaking. FlyVPN could be used on Mac OSX, Windows, Android and iOS system, so that you could use it protect your information from every platform. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Google最新出的Google Allo你用了吗?

在昨日,Google正式发布了只能即时通讯工具Google Allo。下面为你带来最新的测评:

Google Allo 是一款智能聊天应用,内置Google Assistant。它拥有智能回复的功能,可以识别对方说的话以及所发的图片,提供候选回复。可以帮你进行预订、查找信息、陪你玩游戏。除此之外,字体和表情可以调整大小,带有图片编辑涂鸦功能,有助于表达感情和搞怪。

Google Allo的特色及真实体验


如果你也使用过Google Allo的兄弟Google Duo, 那么你对于Allo的UI则会不那么陌生。它的操作简便,非常直观。开启Allo应用,输入手机号即可登录。主界面除聊天列表外,没有多余的功能。


在中国的Google粉丝使用Google的产品通常需要配备VPN的。这次也不例外。Google Allo 在中国境内是无法使用的。但此次Google Allo出人意料地支持中国手机号注册的(如果收不到验证短信,60s可以收到Google的语音验证码)。身处国外的华裔朋友可以鼓励国内亲友注册使用Allo哦。至于VPN,推荐老牌VPN提供商FlyVPN,注册下载客户端,每天可以免费使用60分钟哦。连接中国之外的服务器就可以使用了。个人体验下来,香港的服务器比较适合中国玩家。
Google Allo安卓版
Google Allo iOS版


Google Allo目前只能在官方贴纸中使用最新的表情。Google Allo的表情包是与Google合作的艺术家们创作出来的。可以说,每个表情都非常魔性。大家可以感受下Allo官网上的动图

至于Google Allo具体操作和体验,你可以看看下面这个视频
从Google Talk到Hangout再到Messenger,谷歌在社交聊天上的应用上发挥出锲而不舍的精神。此次发布的Allo应用究竟会不会改变人们的社交呢,让我们拭目以待吧。

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Play FIFA 17 Earlier with USA VPN Servers

FIFA 17 is an upcoming association football video game in the FIFA series, scheduled to be released on 27 September 2016 in North America and 29 September 2016 for the rest of the world. The servers of the game will open in North America first. For those who want to play this game earlier and with lower ping, VPN could be the best way to make it realized.

The Content and Characteristics of FIFA 17

The release of this game was first announced at E3 2016 by EA sports. The features of it are as following: 
  • Leagues.18 Brazilian first division teams will be featured in their respective league. 
  • The new features. The new features in FIFA 17 include new attacking techniques, physical player overhaul, active intelligence system and set piece rewrite.
  • FIFA 17 will feature single-player story campaign mode titled The Journey for PS4, Xbox One and Windows.

How to play FIFA 17 earlier with USA servers?

With VPN servers, you could easily hide your IP address and get a new IP address.FIFA17 is compatible with Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows,PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One. One VPN provider, FlyVPN, also has developed its VPN client available for these operating system. You can create and account and do a test about the performance of FlyVPN direct with your account. Share invitation code with your friends, you both will get 5 more days free trial if your invitation code is applied.

With the USA servers from FlyVPN, you could easily play FIFA earlier!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Do you Know iOS10 and MacOS Sierra Does Not Support PPTP Any More?

According to a statement from Apple on July 12, 2016, iOS 10 and macOS Sierra stops supporting PPTP VPN.It said "iOS 10 and macOS Sierra will remove PPTP connections from any VPN profile when a user upgrades their device." So be awared when you are trying to upgrade to iOS 10.

Why does Apple stop supporting PPTP VPN?

VPN is built on multiple protocols, PPTP is one of them. PPTP is always considered outdated and insecure. In this case, it is tough for Apple to shoulder the blames of insecurity. Even though PPTP protocol is available on iOS 9 and OS X E1, Apple does not suggest that users use it for sake of security, a post from Apple states.

Alternative way of protecting your data

More sercure VPN protcols including L2TP, IKEv2, Cisco,VPN client are recommanded. The removeal of PPTP VPN terrifies a lot of VPN provides. Many VPN providers even warns their users to be considerate before upgrading to iOS10. Yet, instead of telling its users not to upgrade iOS 10, one VPN provider gradually removed PPTP and L2TP earlier this summer. FlyVPN developed its own VPN protocol TCP and UDP based on Open VPN. They have very strong(AES 256-bit) encryption for users' data. This VPN client is also easily set up on iOS 10 and Mac OSX device. You could download it and have a try directly with your own account! 

Leave a comment below if you have any questions.

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Monday, September 19, 2016

Unblock Google Allo with the Fastest VPN both on iOS and Android

Google's smart messaging app Allo may release within this week, according to a famous tipster. Many googlers are looking forward to use this app since the Google I/O conference. Due to the geological restriction, it might be a issue for some people to use this app.

What is Allo?

Early on the Google I/O conference in May this year, Google announce its specific app on meassage.There's roumor that Allo would challenge whatsapp in the future.The release date of Allo is set at the end of summer,according to Google. According to tipsters, Allo would be released on Septemper 21th, 2016.

Features of Allo:
  • Simplicity.Just like Google Duo,Allo is goign to focus on simplicity.The interface of it would looks cooler and the design is quite slicker.Google leaked hints before that the messaging app would look better than whatsapp.
  • AI power in Allo. It has a simliarity as Google Now. Users can be helped with searching, maps, watching youtube, and translate conversations.
  • Expressive chat. Allo will provide you with text formatting options for a more expressive chat.

Can we use it in China?

Since Google moved its servers out of China due to strict Governemnt policy, it would be a bothering issue for Google fans to use it in China. According to Google, this app could be both download to iOS and Android just like Google Duo. To unblock Google Allo in China, you might need VPN tool.

Which VPN should we use?

To use Google Allo in China, you could use VPN servers from USA, HongKong,Japan,and etc.Once connecting with its servers,your IP address would be changed. FlyVPN that contains mutiple servers provides you with 14 days free trial if you are using FlyVPN app for the first time on your deivce.Share the invitation code to invite people using FlyVPN. You will get 5 more days once you invite a person successfully.

Download FlyVPN to Android devices
Download FlyVPN to iOS deivces

Sunday, September 18, 2016








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av26146:ビリデレ先進国 御坂【禁書×サンドキャニオン】

av50462:Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! 侦探歌剧
av50922:Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! 这个是僵尸吗?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How to Activate Russian CD Key on Steam

Many steamers would be aware of Russian CD keys that are sourced from Russia and are much cheaper than these in their own region.That's due to the selling strategy among different regions. To get a better game selling in Russia, the publisher usually lower the price. So here is the question, for these who are outside of Russia, how can they actviate a Russian CD key?

Can VPN help actviate a Russian CD Key?

VPN(Vitual Privat Network)is a great way for steamers to unblock georestrction and get a Russian IP adress. When you connect to a VPN, uasually you launch a VPN client,log in with your account and password. Let's take FlyVPN as an example.
  • Download it and create an account. Run it. Choose FlyVPN free Russian VPN and connect with it.
  • Verify your IP adress. Simply visit whatismyip.Check if your IP address turn to be a Russian IP.
  • Activate your Russian CD key.At the top of Steam, click on "Games"Select "Activate a product on Steam".
  • In the windows that comes up click "Next".
  • Read the Agreement and then click "I Agree".
  • Paste the code into the text area and click Next.
  • Click close,do not start the download.
  • Close steam completely.


北京时间 2016 年 9 月 14 日凌晨,苹果推出了 iOS 10 正式版。然而不少小伙伴升级iOS10后手机变砖。中国大陆社交媒体微博上哀嚎一片。而苹果也承认是由于软件程序升级程序遭遇故障,目前已经修复了这个bug。那么iPhone升级iOS10的体验究竟如何呢?库克也不止一次强调 iOS 10 是世界上最先进的移动操作系统,iOS 10 带来了比以往任何一代 iOS系统更大幅度的革新。下面让我们一起来体验iOS10有哪些革新和进步吧。


  • 拿起iPhone即可唤醒;
  • 通过siri叫车服务;
  • 更多机器学习技术的加入和使用;
  • 通过iOS10控制智能家居,产品只要有Apple Home kit,就代表加入了苹果智能家居;
  • 信息应用中,iMessage加入了表情包大战;
  • iOS10系统开放来电识别接口,中国用户可使用长久以来期盼的“骚扰电话拦截功能”;


  • 解锁。不少小伙伴喜欢按下屏幕查看时间,然而Touch ID 指纹识别功能推出之后,支持Touch ID 的设备在点亮屏幕与解锁之间似乎就不好控制了。在 iOS 10 中我们可以看到解锁方式有了明显改动,滑动解锁不见了,取而代之的是“按压主屏幕按钮以解锁”。也就是说,大家再也无法听到那一声‘咔嚓’的解锁声了!
  • 通知中心。很明显可以看到iOS10的通知中心做了较大改动,现在在iOS10的通知中心职能看到通知消息。至于其他的Widget插件被安排在了一个独立的页面。为了唤出Widget,你可以向右滑动锁屏页面、通知页面、或者是主屏幕第一页。
  • 照片。iOS10有运用深度学习技术设计先进的人脸识别功能,可自动将相似的面孔分组通过物体和场景的识别功能,使用先进的计算机视觉来扫描设备上的本地图库,在照片内智能搜索照片通过“地点”相簿可在地图上查看所有照片、视频和Live Photo。

你的设备可以升级到iOS 10吗?

此次iOS 10发布后将淘汰一部分旧设备,支持iOS 10的苹果设备包括iPad 4、iPad Air、iPad Air 2、iPad Pro、iPad mini 2、iPad mini 3、iPad mini 4、iPod touch 6、iPhone 5、iPhone 5C、iPhone 5S、iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPhone 6S、iPhone 6S Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus。大家看看自己的设备在不在可以升级之列吧。

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

To Get Access to Main News Reporting Websites in China with Free iOS VPN

As people entering in 21 century, we live in the time that information explodes due to the usage of Network. Yet, in some place in this world like China, news are censored. For foreigners in China, they need news with high quality and no censorship. 

Which News Reporting Websites are blcoked in China?

China, as a newly rising star in economy, is extremely taking tough censorship in propaganda. Famous news reporting websites like Bloomerg, Wall Street Journal,and New York Times are banned.

Is it possible for me to browse these websites in China?

Although Chinese gonvernment blocked these websites with the Great Fire Wall, a lot of people in China bypass the restriction via using VPN. Using VPN is legitimate in China as long as you don't apply it to crimes. Many scholars, bussiness men, and English Learners using it to hide their IP adress and get news from the outside.

Which iPhone VPN and iPad VPN is the best?

FlyVPN is a reliable VPN provider. It has multiple servers across the America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, totally 300+ global VPN servers. You may try USA VPN and HongKong VPN servers from the free servers of FlyVPN. Simply create an account in FlyVPN iOS app, log in it. You will get free trial immediately. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Play the Most Popular Russian Game in Turkmenistan with Russian Server

Websites in Turkmenistan are strictly censored so that people can not browse foreign websites and stream wonderful TV shows. To get a free Internet, people have to seek for other tools to help then.

What is world of warplanes?

The free-to-play flight combat massively multiplayer online (MMO) action game World of Warplanes was developed by Wargaming. The most attracting point of this game lies in the various vehicle, allowing players to choose from four main warplane classes: fighters, multirole fighters, heavy fighters and ground attack planes. World of Warplanes is only available on Microsoft Windows.

Is it possible to play foreign games in Turkmenistan?

Internet usage in Turkmenistan is under tight control from the government. Turkmen recieved news via satellite television until 2008 when the government decided to get rid of satellites, and Internet is the only medium where people get information. The Internet is censored by the government and games developed by foreign companies are banned in Turkmenistan. People in Turkmenistan usually search VPN providers for help. 

Which server should I choose?

Considering of the distance between devices and the VPN server, most Turkmenistan people try Rusian VPN servers that are much closer to Turkmenistan. Famous VPN providers such as FlyVPN could possibly be the best one in Turkmenistan. You may try to create an account and do a test before buying it. 

Friday, September 9, 2016


最近,不少海外华裔都来问关于在海外听国内音乐的问题。大家都知道,海外的音乐市场主要被Apple Music、Panorama和Spotify所占据,对于中文用户而言,使用起来就不是很习惯了。但是在澳大利亚,由于地区限制,国内备受欢迎的音乐appQQ音乐并不能使用。这对出国旅行、学习、工作的华裔朋友们来说简直是个灾难。今天,小编就来告诉大家如何用好用的VPN解锁虾米音乐。



  • 首先,QQ音乐收集音乐的数量占优先。百万音乐数据库能够满足所有华裔朋友的要求。
  • QQ音乐和QQ相关联,可以听到好友热播的单曲,同时也可以给好友点播单曲。
  • 精致的UI。QQ音乐的界面布局较为素雅,浅绿色与浅灰色的布局,相信符合大多数华裔的喜好。


