
Friday, September 9, 2016


最近,不少海外华裔都来问关于在海外听国内音乐的问题。大家都知道,海外的音乐市场主要被Apple Music、Panorama和Spotify所占据,对于中文用户而言,使用起来就不是很习惯了。但是在澳大利亚,由于地区限制,国内备受欢迎的音乐appQQ音乐并不能使用。这对出国旅行、学习、工作的华裔朋友们来说简直是个灾难。今天,小编就来告诉大家如何用好用的VPN解锁虾米音乐。



  • 首先,QQ音乐收集音乐的数量占优先。百万音乐数据库能够满足所有华裔朋友的要求。
  • QQ音乐和QQ相关联,可以听到好友热播的单曲,同时也可以给好友点播单曲。
  • 精致的UI。QQ音乐的界面布局较为素雅,浅绿色与浅灰色的布局,相信符合大多数华裔的喜好。




Thursday, September 8, 2016

Everything You Should Know about VPN: Use VPN to Protect your Privacy with a Encrypted VPN

Data breach have been one of the most concerned issue on our daily life since we are soaked in the Intenet. We browse video and social media, learn and do bussinees with other people. We are at the risk of getting ourselves and our personal data exposed to cyber criminals.

How could data get released?

Some famous websites in the Internet are get hacked in the past few years.According to Motherboard, millions of records from sites like Dropbox, Brazzers, and were hacked and stolen.According to the insider, there are many inactive account in the stolen data.

What can I do to protect privacy?

The easiest way to protect your personal data could be using VPN while connecting to the network. VPN means Vitual Private Network,is a group of computers networked together over a public network—the internet. Individuals can use VPN to enscure communications while connecting to public Wi-Fi.

Which VPN provider should I trust?

A VPN that has strong VPN protcol,free trial, quick response online support and money-back guanrantee should be the most reliable and trustable one. You
need FlyVPN, the VPN company that has developed its own protocol, with 256/2048-bit encryption skill.You can download it directly from FlyVPN website and create an account for testing on its performance!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Play the Hottest ReCore on Xbox One in Japan with the Best USA VPN and Australia VPN

The upcoming action-adventure shooter video game ReCore, developed by Comcept and Armature Studio and published by Microsoft Studios for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One. Recore is set to be released gradually worldwide in September 2016. But it will first release in North America and Australia on 13th, September. For gameplayers in Japan who are desirous about Recore, you could use VPN to unblock this game and play earlier!

The Story of ReCore

One of the first brave volunteers for the Far Eden colony, Joule Adams, wakes up after centuries in cryo-sleep to find that nothing has gone according to plan. With her trusty Corebot companion, Mack, Joule begins her adventure in Far Eden to save mankind from a terrible fate. Players will get to see several of Joule’s robotic companions, a bit of of the game’s third-person shooter action, and some high-stakes platforming segments to tie it all together.

Which VPN is available for unblocking this game?

The most favourable VPN for games should be FlyVPN. Create an acount in your application now, you’ll imediately get Free VPN servers in USA, China, Hongkong, Singapore, UK (Britain), Germany, Australia, Canada, and etc. Connect with FlyVPN servers 3 times ervery day, 20 minutes for each time. Everyone of you can enjoy free trial for 60 minutes each day! You can play Recore ealier before it released in Japan with its USA VPN and Australia VPN. FlyVPN is also available for XBOX one.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016




好用的VPN一般会满足以下几个条件,VPN服务器稳定、数量多、连接速度快、可以免费试用、有退款保证。这里小编为大家推荐好用的老牌VPN——FlyVPN拥有在40多个国家的300台服务器,每月最低6.7USDFlyVPN完美适用于Mac OSX、iOS、Android、Windows、Linux等操作系统,支持TCP、UDP、Socks5 proxy等多种协议。在正式下单成为付费帐号之前,大家可以先去下载FlyVPN客户端,创建用户名和密码既可以免费试用啦。每位用户可以每天试用3次,每次20分钟。



Monday, September 5, 2016





  • 蓝色的iPhone7你期待吗?Phone 7依然保持此前已经坚持两代的(iPhone6、iPhone6s)设计风格,造型圆润、一体式金属机身,其后盖取消了由白带分割的三段式设计,边缘天线贴近了两端,极有可能推出一款全新的配色-蓝色。
  • 搭载最新操作系统iOS10。苹果每年都会在它的新手机上搭载新的操作系统。此前,苹果开始iOS10测试版,就是为了实现库克将iOS10打造为“最好的操作系统”的豪言。据悉,iOS 10正式版很有可能在发布之后开放下载。iOS10将以32G起步,16G的苹果手机一去不复返了。在锁屏界面,通过3Dtouch可以移除一些我们平时用不到的应用。
  • 取消耳机的iPhone7:将取消3.5mm耳机接口,郭明池称,苹果将在iPhone新机中提供使用Lightning接口的EarPod耳机以及Lightning接口/3.5mm耳机接口转换器。而苹果取消耳机的目的则是为了给iPhone提升3D Touch使用体验的传感器提供空间。







此次苹果发布会依旧是在美国旧金山时间的9月7日早上10点进行。此次的苹果发布会看点颇多,除了终于有外观变化的iPhone 7/7 Plus外,还将会有Apple Watch 2、以及2016款MacBook Pro,而这些还只是最保守的,甚至还可能更新Mac Pro、Mac mini。大家可以在上观看,youtube上也会有在线直播。

Friday, September 2, 2016

Unblock Snapchat in China Mainland with the Best VPN

Lately, the news that Facebook copying the instant video from Snapchat has occupied the headline. Snapchat unpublished its Facebook pages as an reaction to Facebook's shameful behavior. From turning Snap Stories to Instagram Stories to replicating instant videos, Facebook seems never give up imitating Snapchat,the newly-rising star among social media. For theose who work, live and studying in China Mainland, it is not that easy to use Snapchat.

Why I can't use Snapchat in China Mainland?

China Mainland actually does not ban Snapchat directly. Snapchat's servers are mostly provided by Google, that's why it gets affected. The famous Great Fire Wall banned all the Google service in China. Hence, people can't use Snapchat in China Mainland without the tool VPN. There is roumor in China that Tenccent would like to bought some share from Snapchat. But it looks like that couldn't be realized.

Which VPN is available for unblocking Sanpchat in China Mainland?

We have test many VPNs and found the servers from FlyVPN is the most stable, supportive and reliable ones. Download FlyVPN from appstore or and create an account. Log in. You can use your account 3 times a day as a free trial account!

Click here to get free trial and use Snapchat in China Mainland right away!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

如何自由切换Google Play 地区玩当下最火安卓游戏FIFA Mobile Soccer

Google Play中有不少好玩的游戏,然而有些游戏是限制地区下载的。比如前一阵子大火的Pokemon Go就是从澳大利亚、新西兰等地区逐步开放至其他地区下载的。最近一款超火的游戏FIFA Mobile Soccer加拿大、葡萄牙、瑞士上架,不少朋友问如何才能自由切换Google Play下载FIFA Mobile Soccer玩耍,那么小编今天就给大家介绍切换Google Play地区的方法。


由于版权等原因,身处加拿大、葡萄牙、瑞士、罗马尼亚之外的人们是下载不了这款游戏的。最直接的方式是修改自己的IP地址,披个马甲Google Play就看不出来你来自哪个地区了。为方便不会用VPN的朋友,这里我们以FlyVPN为例,教大家如何在安卓手机上下载VPN。当然了,大家可以选择任意一款VPN,大多数VPN的连接方法都大同小异,只要适用就好。
  • 下载FlyVPN:点我下载
  • 安装,创建用户名并且登陆(首次下载FlyVPN即可获赠14天免费试用)。
  • 点击服务器列表,选择加拿大、葡萄牙、瑞士服务器中的一条。
  • 连接。

步骤二:清除现有登入的 Google 帐号数据

连接成功VPN后,我们要做的就是清除我们的Google Play数据,并重新登入。这里说的清楚Google Play数据不是停用谷歌账号啊记住。
  • 在设置中,进入应用,找到 Google Play 商店。
  • 点击清除资料后确定即可。
  • 到Google Play 商店,重新登入 Google 帐户
这时你的Google Play地区应该显示已经更换了,就可以轻轻松松地下载限制地区的游戏了。

为什么FIFA Mobile Soccer这么火?

FIFA Mobile Soccer的评分目前在Google Play的评分已经达到4.2分。小编去看了下它的Google Play介绍,发现这款游戏完全是为足球迷们准备。无论你是初出茅庐的新人,还是球场老手,你都可以在FIFA Mobile Soccer里创建管理自己的球队,和对手正面交锋。组建球队,这是多少足球迷的心愿!不仅如此,你还可以加入加盟甲A联赛,在家就能征服世界。FIFA Mobile Soccer另一个独特的设计是与现实中的足球赛紧密结合。在这里你可以跟上最新的足球直播,看得球赛开心了,可以玩几把游戏,十分惬意。